Thanks to all of you who responded to my blog post about the stress I've been experiencing regarding a family member's dementia diagnosis, as well as to those who wrote in about the related podcast episode. I am grateful to be in community with you.
An Anecdote for Worry
I often share with my students that it is easy to become overwhelmed with worry, but that one of the anecdotes I have found for that is to think about things I'm grateful for…
Gratitude List
Just in the last week, I'm thankful for:
- Dave's (my husband's) support in transitioning our family member into a safer place this past weekend
- An inspiring webinar from the innovators at about how to integrate their social annotating tool inside of Canvas
- A Duarte webinar I couldn't attend (but enjoyed watching, afterward) called – Beyond the Cluttered Slide
- Getting to catch glimpses of Maha Bali's OER17 keynote through social media
- That James Lang and Ken Bain were willing to experiment with a new podcast format for episode #146 of Teaching in Higher Ed
- This tweet regarding the best graph ever
Best graph ever.
— Academia Obscura (@AcademiaObscura) April 4, 2017
There's so much more I could write, but not in the five minutes I have to set up for a committee meeting I'm leading this morning.
What are you grateful for this week?