Teaching out loud to become more effective at facilitating learning.

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Back to school

Teaching Inspiration From the Reggio Emilia Approach

It's been back-to-school night season in our home in recent weeks. Our son is in kindergarten, while our daughter just...
digital reading

Digital Reading

I've written previously about the great laptop ban debate. Now seems as good a time as any to embark on...
Travel sunset

Tools for Travel

I am going to be traveling more than usual this Fall. I will have the honor of being the keynote...
Our kids on their first day of school

Five Finds to Help Carry the Load

The school year has started times three around here. Our son started kindergarten last week, while I kicked off my...

What's Been Going On with Me and Past Podcast Guests

The Stachowiak's visit Keystone, Colorado It’s been a few weeks since I blogged. That kind of...

What's Been Going On with Me and Past Podcast Guests

The Stachowiak's visit Keystone, Colorado It’s been a few weeks since I blogged. That kind of...
power of failure

The Power of Failure

The call came a few days before the class was scheduled to start. The woman who had been assigned to...
Ainissa Ramirez - TED Talk

Finding Inspiration Somewhere Besides in Best Practices

Ainissa Ramirez uses a blow torch to make her point during a TED talk. There's been...
Second Tries

Second Tries and Popular Posts

As those of you who subscribe to the Teaching in Higher Ed update already know, a weekly email goes out...
See the difference it makes when the camera is at eye-level?

Hosting or Participating in Video Conferencing Sessions

Yesterday, I had a virtual conference with three people in New York who I've never met in person. Today, I...
The scholarship of teaching and learning

The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

Since I first heard about the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL), I’ve been intrigued by this area of research....

Four Fruitful Distractions

As I've written about previously, I am writing a book this summer. It's my first book. I've written a dissertation,...