Teaching out loud to become more effective at facilitating learning.

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Decorative picture of an ignition starting

How to Go Back to School

This column was originally posted on EdSurge. It is reposted here with permission. The following is the latest installment of...
Cassette Tape Photo by Simone Acquaroli on Unsplash

How to Inspire Other Educators

This article was originally posted on EdSurge and is reposted with permission. The following is the latest installment of the Toward Better...
backpack by josiah weiss

Pack it Up

A few weeks ago, I headed to Nebraska to visit Hastings College. I did a keynote and a workshop and...
three puffins on the shore

Three Little Birds

Sorry about starting with a bad, musical pun in the title. I want to share about three powerful exchanges that...
Keeping content current photo

Keeping Content Up to Date in the LMS

This article was first published on EdSurge as part of my column - Toward Better Teaching: Office Hours With Bonni Stachowiak....
how to engage student to student graphic

How to Get Students Engaging with Each Other in Online or Blended Classes

This article originally appeared in Bonni Stachowiak's Toward Better Teaching: Office Hours Column on EdSurge. It is reposted here with...
2018 revisited

Podcast Episodes and Blog Posts Worth Revisiting

I was just reading a Twitter thread from #TenureTrackHustle (Meredith D. Clark) as she re-read her handwritten notes from more...

5 Tips for Teaching Live Online

This article was originally published on the EdSurge website.  The following is the latest installment of the Toward Better Teaching advice...
Photo by Daniel Cheung on Unsplash

Making the Most of Mistakes

This blog post was originally posted on ACUE's website. Thanks to Geoff Decker for getting me to reflect on these...
The best kind of feedback

The Best kind of Feedback You'll Ever Receive

My first job out of college was teaching computer classes. The plan was that each of us would go through...
Gifts for Learners and Teachers

Gifts for Learners and Teachers

Last year, Dave and I did a shared episode between our two podcasts (Coaching for Leaders and Teaching in Higher...

It’s Been Awhile

It’s been more than three weeks since I blogged (and the last post was a re-post of an article I...