Dr. Robert Talbert talks about how to get more meaningful work done on episode 120 of Teaching in Higher Ed.
Quotes from the episode
90% of the emails I get in my inbox are not actionable.
—Robert Talbert
The human brain is fantastic for processing information but it’s terrible for storing information.
—Robert Talbert
Sometimes the busyness we have is entirely self-inflicted; we work hard because we’re disorganized.
—Robert Talbert
Say yes to the things that matter and say no to everything else.
—Robert Talbert
The Five Steps
- Capture
- Dave and Bonni talk about capture on episode #32
- todoist
- Recommendations from the Last TIHE episode with Robert Talbert
- Bonni talks about inboxzero on episode #56
- Capture sticky notes using Evernote
- Clarify
- Dave and Bonni talk about clarify and organize on episode #41
- Organize
- Review
- Google Keep
- Episode #64: The Weekly Review
- Episode #78: Checklists
- Essentialism* by Greg McKeown
- Engage