This bonus clip answers a question from Heather about conferences.
Digital Citizenship
with Autumm Caines
Autumm Caines shares about digital citizenship on this episode of Teaching in Higher Ed.
Quotes from the Episode
We have the technology to have conversations with diverse people.
—Autumm CainesAs educators, we need to empower people to feel okay about making mistakes.
—Autumm Caines
- Tracy Clayton on Twitter
- Another Round Podcast on Twitter
- Heben Nigatu on Twitter
- Silence and respect episode of Reply All
- Annemarie Perez
- Tressie
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Engage the Heart and Mind Through the Connected Classroom
with Ken Bauer
Ken Bauer shares how to engage the heart and mind through the connected classroom.
Quotes from the episode
I’m not going to be there and lecture; I want to really connect with my students.
—Ken BauerThe number one difficulty for faculty in innovating in their practice is … fear.
—Ken BauerYou’ve just got to take baby steps and change those things that you can change.
—Ken Bauer
Resources Mentioned
- Amy Collier’s session at Campus Technology 2016 Conference: Love and Risk in Education – A Call to Resistance
- Student Paola's video about her experience in Ken’s class
- Confusiasm – confusion and enthusiasm
- Nancy White on Twitter
- Ken’s blog post about his teaching evaluations
- Michelle Miller on episode #026
- Gardner Campbell on episode #107
- Common Craft’s RSS explanation video
- Flipped Learning Network
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Blended Course Design
with Katie Linder
Katie Linder shares about blended course design on Teaching in Higher Ed episode 113.
Quotes from the episode
Blended learning is not just a trend, and we’re starting to see technology integrated in really intentional ways.
—Katie LinderOne of the key things is alignment … between what you’re doing outside of the classroom and inside of the classroom.
—Katie LinderSay to your students, “I’m going to give you an activity to do, and I’m going to lay out some guidelines for it, but I’m also going to give you quite a lot of freedom.
—Katie LinderIn the online environment, [social interactions] can still happen, but they just need to happen more intentionally.
—Katie LinderThere are ways that you can build in social presence activities into a blended classroom, both face-to-face and online, that are really encouraging interactions between you and your students and between your students and each other.
—Katie LinderBecause we don’t naturally reflect, it means that we have to intentionally build in reflection for our students.
—Katie Linder
Resources Mentioned
Blended Course Design Resources:
- Book site: The blended course design workbook website
- Order the book: The blended course design workbook (discount code = BCD20)
- Book handouts: The blended course design workbook handouts
- Handout: Aligned Blended Course Mapping
- Handout: Weekly Course Design Task List
- Handout: Choosing LMS Tools Checklist
- Handout: Template for Mapping Content and Documents
Other Resources:
- How to Design and Teach a Hybrid Course* by Jay Caulfield
- Michael Sandel’s Justice course
- Goosechase for scavenger hunts
- Journal Keeping* by Dannelle D. Stevens and Joanne E. Cooper
- Use checklists to teach more effectively and efficiently in higher ed
- Grant Wiggins’ How do you plan? On templates and instructional planning
- Episode 078: The power of checklists
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Give feedback. As always, I welcome suggestions for future topics or guests.
Subscribe. If you have yet to subscribe to the weekly update, you can receive a single email each week with the show notes (including all the links we talk about on the episode), as well as an article on either teaching or productivity.
Radical Hope – A Teaching Manifesto
with Kevin Gannon
Kevin Gannon discusses Radical Hope – A Teaching Manifesto on Teaching in Higher Ed #112.
If I want my students to take risks and not be afraid to fail, then I need to take risks and not be afraid to fail.
—Kevin GannonTeaching is a radical act of hope.
—Kevin GannonWe work with the future, and that’s a really incredible responsibility.
—Kevin Gannon
- Episode 052: Respect in the Classroom
- Moonwalking with Einstein* by Joshua Foer
- Blog: Radical Hope – A Teaching Manifesto
- Blog: Radical Hope – A Teaching Manifesto ( annotated version)
- APM Marketplace podcast
- Storify
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- Rate/review the show. Please consider rating or leaving a review for the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast on whatever service you use to listen to it on (iTunes, Stitcher, etc.). It is the best way to help others discover the show.
- Give feedback. As always, I welcome suggestions for future topics or guests.
- Subscribe. If you have yet to subscribe to the weekly update, you can receive a single email each week with the show notes (including all the links we talk about on the episode), as well as an article on either teaching or productivity.