I was honored to be asked to be a guest on episode 07 of the Luminaris Podcast, hosted by Mark Hofer.
We spoke about the opportunities for “Connecting with others around teaching and learning,” through 50 podcast interviews on Teaching in Higher Ed.
The Luminaris Podcast host, Mark Hofer, is an Associate Professor of Education at William and Mary. We both listen to each others' podcasts, so it felt like we already knew each other as we had our dialog. Mark is a great interviewer, though I'm also looking forward to switching roles in the future. He's already agreed to be on an upcoming episode of Teaching in Higher Ed.
If you haven't been listening to the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast for too long, I speak with Mark about some of my favorite episodes on his podcast. He includes links in his post for the episode, in case you want to go back and catch some of the older shows.
Mark is also active on Twitter and worth following.