Teaching out loud to become more effective at facilitating learning.

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someday/maybe technology list

My 2015 someday/maybe technology list

I've talked on the podcast many times before about my approach to exploring new technology that I hear about during...
blind grading

More on blind grading

  On episode #068 Dave and I discussed the biases that can be problematic when working to grade exams fairly. One technique...

Assessment and instructional design

My husband (Dave) and I are preparing to participate in a parent/teacher conference about our son (Luke) for the first time....

It's that time in the semester

I'm in the midst of the most challenging part of my semester. It's called the dip. I just finished grading...

It's that time in the semester

I'm in the midst of the most challenging part of my semester. It's called the dip. I just finished grading...

How to be more productive by factoring in context

I have always been a big fan of personal productivity books and tools. When David Allen's first edition of Getting...

Continuous improvement in teaching

My Introduction to Business students just took their first exam of the semester. For some, it was the first college-level test...

Top 100 tools for 2015

Jane Hart has released her top 100 technology tools list for 2015. I always find the list beneficial to help me...
A rewarding week...

A rewarding week…

This past week was definitely rewarding. James Lang wrote an article for The Chronicle of Higher Education about the Teaching in...

Quick teaching

I've often been frustrated at the 50-minute time block for courses. At our university, morning classes on Monday/Wednesday/Friday are held...

Calm teaching

My former students often tease me, saying that having kids changed me as a teacher. They reflect on how much calmer...

My back-to-school purchase

I was one of those kids: So excited for the start to school, especially the purchase of all the school...