Teaching out loud to become more effective at facilitating learning.

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How to Create a Pencast

I've found pencasting to be a tool that is aligned with my pedagogy and valued by my students. Many of...
Maria Popova. Photograph by Elizabeth Lippman for The New York Times

Lessons in Curation from Maria Popova of Brain Pickings

This post is written to my #edd703 doctoral students, though the contents apply to all of us who are practicing...
Determining who we are in digital spaces

Determining Who We Are in Digital Spaces

The Question I received this question from one of my doctoral students: I really have no idea how to create...

Fall 2016 Experiments and Evaluations

Our university switched over to online course evaluations this semester. The good news is that the system they decided to...
Top Ten Episodes

Top 10 DownloadedTeaching in Higher Ed Podcast Episodes

Those of us who podcast are regularly told to not get too hung up on our metrics. I started 2016...

My Updated Personal Knowledge Management System

This Saturday, I begin a doctoral class that I teach a couple of times each year. One of the topics we...
Invitations vs bans

The invitation

Yesterday, a colleague emailed me with a query: We are so frustrated with the mis-use of electronics in class by...

10 People I'm Thankful Are on Twitter

I participated for a few years in the daily thankfulness posts on social media, during the November months. Then, I...

10 People I'm Thankful Are on Twitter

I participated for a few years in the daily thankfulness posts on social media, during the November months. Then, I...
The centerpiece of our teaching

The Centerpiece of Our Teaching

"I'll be right back," our two year-old said, in the middle of our Finding Dory movie night. I asked her where...

The trouble with a fixed digital literacy mindset

Feeling too old to learn new techniques, ...came the reply from a colleague, when I asked for some input on...
Word Processor

Essential Word Processor Features for Faculty

I was helping a student get prepared for a job interview yesterday. She said that half of her time at...