Teaching out loud to become more effective at facilitating learning.

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Quick teaching

I've often been frustrated at the 50-minute time block for courses. At our university, morning classes on Monday/Wednesday/Friday are held...

Calm teaching

My former students often tease me, saying that having kids changed me as a teacher. They reflect on how much calmer...

My back-to-school purchase

I was one of those kids: So excited for the start to school, especially the purchase of all the school...
Cataloging course resources

Cataloging course resources using PKM

One of the compliments that students regularly give me is that I use current examples in my classes. Generally speaking,...

Applescript for starting and ending presentations

You know how it is... It is your first day back after a vacation (or, in our case, a staycation)....

My vote for the top 10 tools for learning

Jane Hart has invited our participation in the 2015 Top 100 Tools for Learning. If you want to have your...
Click to access the podcast on the Luminaris site.

Guest on Luminaris Podcast

Click to access the podcast on the Luminaris site. I was honored to be asked to...

Choose your own adventure learning (part 2)

I wrote a post about how I provided some Choose your own adventure-style learning for my students last semester. In...

New tools page added

I added a new page to the Teaching in Higher Ed site. My hope is that the tools page is...

Turbo-charge your summer

It's official. I'm on summer break. I'm also healthy enough to be back to exercising and hanging out with the...

Choose your own adventure learning

When I was a kid, one of my favorite forms of story telling was the Choose Your Own Adventure series....
The treasures of a teacher

The treasures of a teacher

I took our kids to the beach the other evening. Our 3 year-old, Luke, found a penny while we were...