I’m surprised how time-consuming it still is to crop and resize photos in most photo editing applications. That’s why I’m constantly turning to a free, web-based application called www.picnik.com for most of my photo-editing needs. I like it so much that I paid the nominal fee to go pro, so I can connect to more than one service (like Facebook and Flickr.com, for example) to do editing of photos that I’ve stored there.
The ease of resizing and cropping photos is just the beginning with www.picnik.com, however. You can also create collages, add text to photos, create frames (my favorite is the Polaroid effect), get rid of red-eye, and even remove blemishes. I’m only naming a small selection of the features that are available to you on Picnik.
Having an easy-to-use photo editor will help you as you seek to have more visually-appealing PowerPoints, as well as when you’re asked to edit your faculty web page. I hardly ever find myself opening up my more robust photo editing tools, except when I want to remove the background from a photo, for example.
Here’s to www.picnik.com – and becoming more effective, visual communicators.