Explore the recommendations that are shared at the end of each episode.

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IPEVO USB document camera

IPEVO USB document camera*

Preparing for your Teaching Demo by Peter Newbury

Preparing for your Teaching Demo by Peter Newbury

Teaching Demonstrations: Advice and Strategies

Teaching Demonstrations: Advice and Strategies by Adam Wilsman

Establish a someday/maybe list

Establish a someday/maybe list

Free Fraud Alert

Free Fraud Alert

Annual Credit Report

Annual Credit Report

Freeze on Credit Reports

Freeze on Credit Reports

James Lang’s A Welcoming Classroom in The Chronicle of Higher Education

James Lang’s: A Welcoming Classroom in The Chronicle of Higher Education

The Transformative Power of Podcasts by Bonni Stachowiak in the Flow Journal

The Transformative Power of Podcasts by Bonni Stachowiak in the Flow Journal (University of Texas at Austin)

Use Twitter to help you phrase your thoughts

Use Twitter to help you phrase your thoughts

OpenEd 17
How Not to Be a Boy by Robert Webb *

How Not to Be a Boy by Robert Webb *

Virtually Connecting

Virtually Connecting

Living a Feminist Life by Sara Ahmed*

Living a Feminist Life by Sara Ahmed*

Against Meritocracy by Jo Littler *

Against Meritocracy by Jo Littler *

The End of Vandalism* and other books by Tom Drury

The End of Vandalism* and other books by Tom Drury

Bad Ideas About Writing from West Virginia University Libraries

Bad Ideas About Writing from West Virginia University Libraries

Model collaboration: Set up a simple, shared Google doc.

Model collaboration: Set up a simple, shared Google doc.

Visit the Lake District in Italy, specifically Lake Maggiore and Stresa.

Visit the Lake District in Italy, specifically Lake Maggiore and Stresa.

Robert Talbert’s recommendations in the comments of the Tools for Travel post on Teaching in Higher Ed. (TSA precheck; $85 for five years)

Robert Talbert’s recommendations in the comments of the Tools for Travel post on Teaching in Higher Ed. (TSA precheck; $85 for five years)

Getting Started With Team-Based Learning* by Jim Sibley and Pete Ostafichuk

Getting Started With Team-Based Learning* by Jim Sibley and Pete Ostafichuk

Lisboa boardgame

Lisboa boardgame

eBags Professional Slim Junior Laptop Backpack*

eBags Professional Slim Junior Laptop Backpack*

The New Jim Crow* by Michelle Alexander

The New Jim Crow* by Michelle Alexander

Hunger: A Memoir of (My) Body* by Roxane Gay

Hunger: A Memoir of (My) Body* by Roxane Gay

The Ideas Industry: How Pessimists, Partisans, and Plutocrats are Transforming the Marketplace of Ideas* by Daniel Dresdner

The Ideas Industry: How Pessimists, Partisans, and Plutocrats are Transforming the Marketplace of Ideas* by Daniel Dresdner

40 Inspiring Books on Girls and Women of the Civil Rights Movement by Katherine on A Mighty Girl website

40 Inspiring Books on Girls and Women of the Civil Rights Movement by Katherine on A Mighty Girl website

Hunger: A Memoir of (My) Body* by Roxane Gay

Hunger* by Roxane Gay