Bonni Stachowiak shares about her experience at the AHSIE Conference on episode 255 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast
Quotes from the episode
If you’re going to come to my class, you need to come with purpose and passion.
—Leticia P. Lopez
Jared Cooney Horvath shares about his book Stop Talking, Start Influencing: 12 Insights from Brain Science to Make Your Message Stick on episode 254 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast.
Don’t try to force your audience to choose between you or your notes.
—Jared Cooney Horvath
You remember what you pay attention to.
—Jared Cooney Horvath
Recall leads to deeper memories.
—Jared Cooney Horvath
If you want to learn anything, you’ve got to be in that sweet spot of stress.
—Jared Cooney Horvath
Jose Bowen talks about Spaces and Places (and Nudges) on episode 253 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast.
Ultimately what we’re trying to do is create self-regulated learners.
—Jose Bowen
We know that students are digitally distracted all the time — this is not a classroom problem.
—Jose Bowen
Your learning management system is all about nudges.
—Jose Bowen
Make your classroom so interesting … that students don’t want to check Facebook.
—Jose Bowen
Jose Bowen is an expert consultant for ACUE on the following course modules:
ACUE Community article: Using Feedback From Students to Improve Your Teaching
Jose Bowen on Teaching in Higher Ed:
Maha Bali and Autumm Caines share about ownership, equity, and agency in faculty development on episode 252 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast.
A lot of the faculty development I offer is very different from my own professional development.
—Maha Bali
What’s hospitable in one context isn’t hospitable in another.
—Autumm Caines
Remi Kalir discusses annotating the marginal syllabus on episode 252 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast.
Annotation is a cultural practice. It’s a social practice. It’s collaborative.
—Remi Kalir
I think it’s important that we promote social collaborative activity.
—Remi Kalir