Teaching out loud to become more effective at facilitating learning.

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"If you want to improve, be content to be thought foolish and stupid with regard to external things. Don't wish...

Upcoming speaking engagement: Limitless Conference

I'll be giving a session for women on life planning and goal setting at the upcoming Limitless Conference on May...

Peter Block in The Answer to How is Yes

"Acting on what matters is the act of making change in the world through a set of personal values that...
Episode 5

Five ways to save time as a professor

Everyone enters the "contest" of who is the busiest at some point in their lives. As someone who is a...

Parker J. Palmer in The Courage to Teach

When you love your work that much… the only way to get out of trouble is to go deeper in....

The dip

A long-time professor at the university where I teach once shared with me something we both had in common. I...

What's in my bag?

Michael Hyatt's recent podcast on the tools that he uses to support his work inspired me. After almost ten years...

What's in my bag?

Michael Hyatt's recent podcast on the tools that he uses to support his work inspired me. After almost ten years...

Efficiency and effectiveness with rubrics

I'm the chair of our university's Faculty Development Committee. We recently conducted a survey of our faculty members, in part...
Google releases new research tool

Google releases new research tool

Google has released a new research tool to help students capture and cite information, images, and quotes related to a...
Wordle Makes Ideas and Concepts Visual

Use checklists to teach more effectively and efficiently

I've been on maternity leave this semester, loving the time I get to bond with our first child. As I...
iPhone App perfect for faculty - take attendance with ease

Attendance App just keeps getting better

Most people don't enjoy learning to use new technology as much as I do and just want it to work...