Derek Bruff gives his unique take on the flipped classroom… what to have the students do before they enter the classroom and what to do once they get there.
- Ph.D., Mathematics, Vanderbilt University, 2003
- Director, Center for Teaching, Vanderbilt University, November 2011 to present
- Bruff, D. (2015). An indirect journey to indirect impact: From math major to teaching center director. In Rogers, K., & Croxall, B. (Eds.), #Alt-Academy. Online: MediaCommons
The flipped classroom
Shin, H. (2015) ‘Flipping the Flipped Classroom: The Beauty of Spontaneous and Instantaneous Close Reading’, The National Teaching & Learning Forum, 24(4), pp. 1–4. doi: 10.1002/ntlf.30027.
What are the experiences and activities we want to have our students engage in that will help them make sense of this material and have them do something interesting with it?” – Derek Bruff
Eric Mazur – learning as a 2 stage process
- Transfer of information (during class)
- Assimilation of that information by the students (outside the classroom)
A definition
- A shift in time to that process
- Class time spent on the assimilation process
The classic flipped classroom
- Students encounter the info before class
- Come to class already having exposure
- Practice and feedback
Flipped Classroom resources
Vanderbilt flipping the classroom
The Learning process
If students aren’t doing the pre-work before they come to class, the time together isn’t going to be well-served.” – Derek Bruff
Concerns that the flipped classroom is doubling the work for the students.
First exposure
Effective Grading, by Barbara Walvoord
Diet coke and Mentos experiment
This video is just an example of the Mentos/Diet Coke experiment; it isn't Derek's daughter
Creating times for telling
Students first need to encounter a problem, or a challenge, or something mysterious… and then that provides motivation to hear the 15 minute [explanation].” – Derek Bruff
- Linear algebra course
- Look at the board game Monopoly. What are the best places to buy on the board?
- Markov chain modeling
Classes should do hands-on exercises before reading and video, Stanford researchers say. (2013, July 16). Retrieved 21 October 2015, from
Even when you have defaults [in your teaching], you want to have good defaults…” – Derek Bruff
Peter Newbury on Teaching in Higher Ed talks about Peer Instruction
Bonni recommends:
- Pictures as a means for reminders
Derek recommends: