Sandie Morgan and Warren Doody share about Elizabeth Leonard’s interdisciplinary legacy on episode 357 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast.
Quotes from the episode
She was very intentional about introducing faculty, colleagues, and students to people from outside that would bring different perspectives.
-Sandie Morgan
She could fight if she had to. She could stand her ground if she had to. What was so wonderful about her was she always fought the right fight.
-Warren Doody
She was a one-size-fits-all person. She could do so many different things.
-Warren Doody
She knew so much from such a broad spectrum of disciplines and she wanted her students to have that kind of competency.
-Sandie Morgan
Note: I (Bonni) misspoke multiple times in the episode regarding the unwritten rules/customs of an organization's culture (in this case, a university). I said “doca” in the episode, when the correct word is “doxa”