How to Say Goodbye, with Warren Doody.
Quotes from the episode
Saying goodbye and letting go through some type of ritual is important.
-Warren Doody
Shaina Rowell on episode 414 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast.
We can all help to create an environment where students can flourish, where their well-being and learning is important.
-Shaina Rowell
Growth mindset helps students think about how to grow in a healthy and effective way.
-Shaina Rowell
Celebrating little successes are really important.
-Shaina Rowell
Heidi Weston and Peter Felten discuss how mattering matters on episode 413 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast.
Belonging is tied to a lot of things that we value and that students value.
-Peter Felten
Mattering is not about if you fit or not, it is about being valued.
-Peter Felten
Different students trust faculty differently than others.
-Peter Felten
Céline Cantat, Ian M. Cook, and Prem Kumar Rajaram discuss opening up the university: Teaching and Learning with Refugees on episode 412 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast
Think about the ways in which language is used socially and politically as a means of exclusion and marginalization.
-Prem Kumar Rajaram
Thomas Tobin shares about copyright for the rest of us on episode 411 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast.
Just because you are an academic and you made a copy doesn’t mean it is for an academic purpose.
-Thomas Tobin
We hear more about what you can’t do, rather than what you can [when making copies of materials].
-Thomas Tobin
[As a layperson, I can tell you that] the law is the last resort. The law only applies when there is no other permission or license in place.
-Thomas Tobin