Teaching out loud to become more effective at facilitating learning.

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get moving

Let's get moving

We had a little visitor come in to my night class this week. I haven't seen students move that fast...
get moving

Let's get moving

We had a little visitor come in to my night class this week. I haven't seen students move that fast...

Testing out a new communication tool

As anyone who has been listening to the podcast or reading this blog for a while knows, I'm a big...
assessing and tracking blogs

Assessing and tracking blogs

I made the move a few years ago in my hybrid classes to stay mostly away from discussion forum posts....

Find the right reference manager

Anyone who has worked with a lengthy document knows how essential a reference manager can be in your research and...

Seeing the gorillas through the trees

Our friends, Sandie and Jean came over for dinner last night. Jean was doing some recording with Dave for the...
pinboard | A great bookmarking/archiving tool

When it comes to new apps, Dave is often a bit more willing to experiment than I am. He's gone...

How to keep course files organized

I never realized that I was "different" until my friend showed such an interest in how I organized my files...
Bringing life to this time of the semester

Bringing life to this time of the semester

It is a tough time of the semester. The grading pile is stacked high (in my case, virtually). Energy levels...

Plugging in to Teaching in Higher Ed

A few episodes ago, I recommended the podcast called Serial. It is the first podcast that I have heard described...
Career question

Help students answer the dreaded career question

Advising season just ended at our institution. We are fortunate in that we have a dedicated advisor for our major,...

Cultivate curiosity in higher ed students

Our son has a new habit. He points at something he hasn't seen before and says, "Whaaaaaaaassssshhaaaatttt?" For many parents,...