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Episode 53 – Peter Newbury explained his method for who to follow on Twitter in that he connects with people who are like him, along with people who are not like him.
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Jennifer Imazeki talks about implicit bias in our teaching on episode 383 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast.
Quotes from the episode
It is not about changing the bias or stopping the bias. It is about getting in between your internal reaction and your external reaction.
-Jennifer Imazeki
There is so much going on with our students that we can’t possibly know.
-Jennifer Imazeki
José Bowen shares about his new book, Teaching Change, on episode 382 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast.
Quotes from the episode
College students are aware of the fact that they change.
-José Bowen
What are the important questions that our discipline answers?
-José Bowen
Diverse groups do better work and outperform groups of highly competent homogenous groups. They also take longer because they have more conflict because they question assumptions.
-José Bowen
It is a hard position to be the person in the group who questions assumptions.
-José Bowen
We think the opposite of conflict is harmony. The opposite of conflict is apathy.
-José Bowen
Barbi Honeycutt and Bonni Stachowiak talk about how to use podcasts in teaching on episode 381 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast.
Quotes from the episode
Ask yourself, “how does this support my learning outcomes and help my students be successful in this course and beyond?”
-Barbi Honeycutt
Audio is a powerful medium.
-Barbi Honeycutt
Find podcasts that are already out there that integrate with your course learning outcomes, course goals, and course topics and leverage those.
-Barbi Honeycutt