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  1. I so appreciated this episode – I’ve been downloading the podcast to listen to as I travel once a week to visit my mother who is in the late stages of a terminal cancer. I learn a lot about teaching philosophies and technologies, and my pedagogy definitely benefits, but did not expect that this episode would have something to tell me about my personal experience. Hearing Peter’s thoughts on how to pay attention to humans, whatever their situation (as a dog in the street pays attention to other living creatures!), was a great reminder of living in the moment with my mother. Thank you.

    • Dear Alison,

      Thank you for sharing the way in which the episode resonated with you and your relationship with your mother. I only wish I could pass your message along to Peter – but he passed away on November 19 – I learned from another comment on this post. He would have loved knowing that his words were helpful to you…

    • Oh, Alex. Thank you for letting us know of his passing. I didn’t know until I saw your reply to this post from last night. What terribly sad news. I don’t even know what to write right now, except to say how grateful I am that I had the opportunity to interview him and be some small part of passing on his legacy to others who want to teach with compassion.
