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  1. Thank you for this podcast. I listen every week, and I always learn something new that I can use in my teaching. My spring break is already over, but I spent it learning how to use ScreenFlow so I can help my MA students learn to use Zotero better.

    I’m really curious about your workflow for grading papers using SnagIt or Tapes. I heard a little bit about it on MPU, but I would love it if you could share a more detailed post. For instance, how to do you keep everything organized to make sure that the right video gets to the right student? Did you figure out a hack for DropBox and your class lists? Or do you do it all through Moodle?

    • Hi, Nicholas. Thanks for sharing your Spring break adventures. You sound like you have the same approach as me, in terms of getting caught up and maybe trying out something new.

      I’ve captured the idea to put together a more detailed post on my grading workflow. It may take a bit to rise to the top of the post list, but I did want you to know that I saw your suggestion. Thank you for letting me know that the topic is of interest.