Jesse Stommel shares about Undoing the Grade on episode 483 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast.
Quotes from the episode
For us to be talking about something like unlearning or ungrading, there's an irony in that because we are the people who need to do that work the most and the people for whom that work is probably the hardest.
-Jesse Stommel
The only wrong way to do something is to do it unintentionally, to do it in a way that isn't carefully thinking through what we're doing.
-Jesse Stommel
Isis Artze-Vega and Oscar Miranda Tapia discuss Connections Are Everything on episode 482 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast.
Quotes from the episode
If it's not working for you and you can't maintain a certain level of wellness, then it's not working. No matter what you're seeing happen in your students, it is not working because it cannot happen at the cost of your wellness.
– Isis Artze-Vega
It's about being present.
– Isis Artze-Vega
The relationship that you have with someone does not have to be this long sustained, always impactful kind of relationship. That one short conversation with a student may be the words or the sentence that they need to hear that day.
-Oscar Miranda Tapia
Derek Bruff shares about assignment makeovers in the AI age on episode 481 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast
Quotes from the episode
The technologies at play in higher education changed dramatically in a very short amount of time, and that required us to kind of rethink what we were doing as teachers.
-Derek Bruff
For my course, I felt like it is fine to teach them to write using the AI tools as long as I can help them learn to use the tools well.
-Derek Bruff