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  1. Bonni,
    I enjoyed this episode very much. I wish I had more time to elaborate on the value that I found in your interview with Dr. Stephen Brookfield. However, I just wanted to drop a line here to tell you thank you for providing educators with more access to Dr, Brookfield’s wisdom. I will be listening to this podcast again and recommending it to my colleagues.

    Suzie Farthing

    • Thanks, Suzie.

      He really struck a chord with so many of us. I’ve listened to the episode three times by this point and I keep getting something else out of it each time. I’m excited to know that he’s already agreed to come back on for another episode in the future.

      Thank you for the kind words and encouragement.


  2. This is such as great podcast. I am only an adjunct faculty member but am looking to go full time at some point. The information in this recording and the resources in the notes are amazing!!!


    • Thanks for the kind words, Matt. I hope you have had a chance to also listen to the recent episode with Stephen Brookfield. He is truly a master teacher and I’m always so appreciative of when he comes on the podcast. Best wishes as you pursue a full time gig at some point. I suspect there are many who might “gulp” at your use of the word “just” to describe your important role as an adjunct. At many institutions, it is the contingent workforce (our adjuncts) that are most heavily engaged in educating our students. Thank you for what you do, Matt.

  3. What did I learn from this discussion on Engaging learning with discussion? A teacher must create an active learning environment. There must be debate and questioning on both parts. We must use varied designs in our instruction like student to student questioning and
    student to instructor.

    What are some new ways you may try to encourage student participation based on what you learned, both from the podcast and from your colleagues’ responses?
    I believe that we all need active outcomes and that each student should be able to be the teacher not just the teacher lecturing. Each student needs to have an investment in their learning. I know that when students are teaching others students they learn the best.
