- Small Teaching: Everyday Lessons from the Science of Learning, by James Lang for Jossey-Bass
- Inclusive Teaching: Strategies for Promoting Equity in the College Classroom, by Kelly A. Hogan & Viji Sathy
- The Extended Mind: The Power of Thinking Outside the Brain, by Annie Murphy Paul
- Reach Everyone, Teach Everyone: Universal Design for Learning in Higher Education, by Thomas J. Tobin & Kirsten T. Behling
- The Productive Online & Offline Professor, by Bonni Stachowiak
- Establish File Naming Conventions from Purdue University Library
- Johnny Decimal (formerly called Johnny Digits)
- Advice Guide: How to Make Your Teaching More Inclusive, by Viji Sathy & Kelly Hogan
- You Don't Have to Wait for the Clock to Strike to Start Teaching, by Peter Newbury
- A Time for Telling, by Daniel Schwartz and John Bransford
- The Impact of Faculty Attitudes About Intelligence, by Scott Jaschik
- How to make your teaching more engaging, by Sarah Rose Cavanagh for The Chronicle of Higher Education
- Small Changes in Teaching: The First 5 Minutes of Class, by James M. Lang
- Episode 425
Inclusive Teaching with Viji Sathy & Kelly Hogan - Episode 400
The Heart of a Teacher with Jeff Hittenberger - Episode 444
Growing a Positive Learning Community with Todd Zakrajsek
- The Backwards Bicycle: What it Takes to Unlearn
- Ainissa Ramirez: That Thing Called Science
- Dave Stachowiak's High School Chemistry Teacher
- Joe Hoyle's Accounting Mysteries and Puzzles
- Learning Out Loud: Karen Caldwell - TEDxSUNYPotsdam
- Bobby McFerrin Teaching the Pentatonic Scale
- Michael Wesch Presents: The Sleeper
- Shoebox Hug Document Camera
- Annie Fetter SWBAT? Or...?
- Quizlet - digital flash cards
- Quizlet Live - interactive flash card game
- Canva* - digital design tool
- - social annotation
- Padlet - collaborative cork board
- Miro - virtual white board
- PollEverywhere - polling
- Loom - screencasting
- Canvas - learning management system
- Zoom - web conferencing

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