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  1. Hi Bonni ,

    I love your podcasts. I’ve been binging on them. 🙂 I need to slow down now so I can get my Personal Knowledge Management system in place so I don’t miss any cool articles or technologies.

    In this podcast (#8), you mentioned a twitter feed (I think) that collects all the article or posts from many different centers for teaching and learning. Would you be able to send me the info for that, or point me to where you posted it on your blog? I can’t seem to find it, but I also have 2 toddlers pulling at my leg as I read this, so I’m not able to dedicate much brain space to looking. 🙂

    Thank you so much!

    • Dear Nikki,

      Thanks for letting me know you’re listening. We have two little ones at home, so I know all about the pulling at the leg thing. I keep wondering when we move our daughter from being a baby (on my Twitter profile) to being a full fledged toddler. She’s thinking about walking at any minute now.

      The list I was referring to in that episode is curated by Peter Newberry (http://www.peternewbury.org/).

      Here’s his list:

      I get so much out of Twitter lists; it is surprising more people don’t make use of them. An app I’m enjoying using to find good articles to read/share is called Nuzzle and they just added (or are shortly adding?) a feature that integrates Twitter lists into their curation process. http://nuzzel.com/
