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  1. I really enjoyed listening to episode 67 today (finally had the opportunity to listen!). I was hoping to get access to the copyright video from the resources page- but the link does not seem to be active. Can we get a copy of that video to share with students?

    • Dear Stephen,

      That sounds like a great workflow. I have found ebook highlighting to be so beneficial, but they are always “trapped” inside the Amazon Kindle service and not easy to search. For a while, there was an app that synced the highlights over to Evernote, but it required providing your login credentials and I was too concerned to do that with a company I didn’t “know” well.

      This sounds like a great option for blogs and other articles. Now if we could just get this for Kindle ebooks…

      Thanks for sharing. You have got me thinking… This is especially timely because I have getting more out of IFTTT on my edtech someday/maybe list that I’ll soon be revisiting:

