- 519 | How to Foster Self-Compassion as a Professor with Danielle De La Mare
- 516 | Presence in the Online World with Karen Robert + Aga Palalas
- 527 | Beyond Dichotomous Thinking: Strategies to Enhance Teaching and Learning with Alexis Peirce Caudell (airs on July 18, 2024)
- 147 | Racial Identity in the Classroom with Stephen Brookfield
- 098 | The Skillful Teacher with Stephen Brookfield
- All AI-related Teaching in Higher Ed Episodes to Date
- Becoming a Critically Reflective Teacher, by Stephen Brookfield
- Enhancing Inclusive Instruction, by Tracie Marcella Addy, Derek Dube, and Khadijah A. Mitchell
- The Canary Code, by Ludmila Praslova
- Norton Guide to Equity-Minded Teaching, by Isis Artze-Vega, Flower Darby, Bryan Dewsbury, & Mays Imad
- Outside-In: Entangled Openness as Subversion Influencing Emergent Change, by Maha Bali
- The Genius of Birds, by Jennifer Ackerman
- Interview: The Professor Who Was Secretly Recorded — Then Let Go — By UNC, by Kristy Bleizeffer
- The Skinny on Teaching Evaluations, by Colleen Flaherty
- IU CITL Resource: DEIJ Course Evaluation Questions

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