- The spark of learning energizing the college classroom with the science of emotion, by Sarah Rose Cavanagh for West Virginia University Press
- How Humans Learn: The Science and Stories behind Effective College Teaching , by Josh Eyler for West Virginia University Press
- Small Teaching: Everyday Lessons from the Science of Learning, by James Lang for Jossey-Bass
- How to make your teaching more engaging, by Sarah Rose Cavanagh for The Chronicle of Higher Education
- Learning through doing. Early child development: Body of knowledge, by Barbara Kiser for Nature Mazagine
- Ellen’s Heads Up Game is a Lively EdTech Tool, by Bonni Stachowiak for Teaching in Higher Ed
- Situational interest and learning: Thirst for knowledge. Learning and Instruction, by Jerome Rotgans and Henk Schmidt for Learning and Instruction
- Engaging Students Using Quizlet Live, by Bonni Stachowiak for Teaching in Higher Ed
- Solar Warriors: Cal State East Bay Solar Suitcase Program Partners with Native American Tribes, Organizations Nationwide, by Natalie Fuelner for EastBayToday
- Lighting up the night one solar suitcase at a time, by Darin Moriki for The Mercury News
- Episode 135
The Spark of Learning with Sarah Rose Cavanagh - Episode 204
The Spark of Learning Reprise with Sarah Rose Cavanagh - Episode 16
Biology, the Brain, and Learning with Josh Eyler - Episode 231
How Humans Learn with Josh Eyler - Episode 164
Setting Up Students for Success from the Start with Joe Hoyle - Episode 66
Making Challenging Subjects Fun with Ainissa Ramirez - Episode 42
Mixing It Up in Our Teaching with Bonni Stachowiak - Episode 246
Teaching STEM for Social Impact with Karina Garbesi and Erik Helgren

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